This post is a couple of months late…oops….
Since Cody had gotten over pneumonia the week before his 6th birthday, we opted to not have a birthday party for him. Instead, he celebrated at school, went to Peter Piper Pizza and went shopping at Toys R Us.
He was a bit embarrassed about us coming to school with balloons and treats for his friends.

He did love his Yo Gabba Gabba balloons, though!

He came home from school and had to break through this to get to his presents!

This tricycle was waiting for him.

He went outside with it so he could ride it right away.

That night, we went to Peter Piper Pizza for some pizza and games. It was just us and his BFFs, his Uncle.

His favorite game is Skeeball. He likes to throw the ball to try to get it into the target.

Afterward Peter Piper Pizza, we headed to Toys R Us and he found just what he wanted.
He couldn’t even wait for his dad to finish building it before getting in. He stalked his dad the entire time until it was done.

The next morning, he took it out for a spin.

After Toys R Us, we went home so he could blow his candle out.

Can’t believe he is already 6. Such a big boy now.

Striking a pose!