Both the kids had a great time this Halloween. This was the first year that Cody was able to enjoy himself so he had a great time.
Here is my scary vampire before heading out to school. They are the only ones that get to dress up at school and they even had a little carnival for just their class.

After their parade (thank goodness the rain seized long enough for them to venture out), the class headed back to the classroom to line up and receive the goodies that their classmates brought them.

Every Friday, I volunteer in DJ's class while Cody is babysat by his Uncle. That morning, I was there for the parade and all the kids kept asking me where Cody was. The kids love him and always want him in their class. He even stands in line with them somedays and walks into class with them!
By special request, Cody attended the carnival.

The carnival consisted of 10 games for the kids in which they win prizes. One of the moms works at Chuck E Cheese and they donated a ton of little toys for the event. The kids LOVED it.
DJ was a
little off on the Pin the Spider on the Web game. :)

Cody had a great time at the carnival. While the kids played games, their teacher had a Halloween record (yup, they still have RECORD PLAYERS in the school!!!) playing. Guess what Cody did? He did what he does best - he danced!

Recently, DJ told his dad that he should volunteer in school like mom. Doyle just happened to fly in early that morning from the East Coast and headed straight from the airport to the school to surprise DJ and volunteer in DJ's class. DJ was pretty excited that his daddy was there.
(Note: the only reason I dressed up for the Halloween Carnival is because a week earlier, DJ told his teacher I would be dressing up. So, the day before the carnival, we went out and found me this cheesy Angel costume! The lashes were a hit with the kids.)
DJ with one of his best buddies in school.

Let's check back in and see what Cody's doing.....
Yup...STILL dancing!

Back to more games for DJ...this one was a ring toss.

Cody thought it looked like fun so he stopped dancing long enough to play the game, too.

One game that Cody couldn't stay away from was Monster Bowling. In between songs, he would walk over to the table to steal the monsters.
That night, we brought DJ out trick-o-treatin'. We didn't bring Cody since it was sprinkling outside.
We decided to dress up with DJ for the outting.
Since Cody wasn't using the Muno head, Teri borrowed it for the night.
DJ with his Uncle the Wrestler.

A rare shot of me
in front of the camera.
Imagine this scary bunch walking up to your door for candy!

We only made it to about 10 houses before DJ said his bag was getting too heavy. Since there were not too many kids out, people were throwing handfuls of candy into his bag. :)