Cody recently had his first field trip for school to the Vegetable Patch.
He fell asleep in the car right before we go there so he was not happy when I woke him up. He’s mad at me in this picture, but he is still so cute! I love how he has his thumb in his pocket. Such a tough little guy. =) And yes…those are snow boots he is wearing. I couldn’t find any rain boots for him to wear at Target so he ended up with snow boots. =)

With his “veggie collector” bag on his back, he was ready to go!
They started out by collecting greens and tomotoes. Cody didn’t much care for collecting either. He just wanted the “balls” (tomatoes) so he could throw them. He’s such a boy!!! Here he is with his bounty of goodies.

They even got to plant their own seeds. 
After the learning experience, they had a little picnic at the Veggie Patch’s pumpkin patch. Cody loved snacking on popcorn and drinking juice

…but apparently got bored after awhile. I LOVE this picture of him. It is as if he is in deep thought!
The last event of the day was posing for Ms. Sarah with some pumpkins. He kept signing ball and knocking over the pumpkins. =)