(I am using a new blog writer application and for some reason it is lowering the resolution of the images so the images are not as bright as they are supposed to be.)
The boys, as usual, had treat bags for their classmates. DJ is getting to the age where “cute” doesn’t cut it anymore so his bags were a little more “grown up”. 

Goody bags for the teachers.

Cody went to a Pumpkin Patch at the local Vegetable Patch with his class. This is his second time going there and this time he actually enjoyed himself. He picked a few vegetables, but didn’t really care for the squishiness of most of the vegetables.
He did enjoy picking out a pumpkin, though.

His teachers took a picture of him at the pumpkin patch and they made this cute frame at school.

Here is Cody’s little ghost that he made all on his own at school.

They had a party at school and he loved wearing his Spongebob costume.
Always a performer, he had to take time off from playing, though, to sing in front of the mirror.

He loves to draw and spent time coloring a mask…

Then cheated at the bean bag toss…

Then decided he was over the party and started taking his costume off.

For the first time in years, DJ’s school allowed the children to dress up in their Halloween costumes and they had a parade on the playground.
He wasn’t too thrilled to have his picture taken as Kamen Rider.

Gotta love the forced smiles.

The last unwilling participate to wear a costume was Lexus. She was supposed to be a squirrel, but she didn’t want to wear the hat.