Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Weekend Fun

This past week, DJ went to his first "big boy's" karate class. He had a lot of fun. The Wed class was filled with kids anywhere from 6-8 years old. The Saturday class, the ages were from DJ to adults. He even had a chance to spar at the Saturday class. The first kid he sparred against was probably about 7ish. The 2nd person looked like he was about 12 or 13. DJ wanted NOTHING to do with him. He kept following DJ around and DJ just kept walking away because he didn't want to spar with him! LOL! Eventually, the instructor told DJ that he could take him, so DJ started hitting and kicking like the Power Ranger that he is!

On Monday, DJ had his "preschool" karate class. I think he just likes going to that one because he is the teacher's pet and everyone else is a newbie. At his last class, his teacher once again used him to demonstrate for the other kids. DJ even had to spar EVERY kid in the class. There were about 10 kids in there. He loved it, though.

His Master said that he wants to put DJ in front of the preschool class more often so that he can build up his confidence even more and be ready for competition. The next tournament will actually be a fighting tournament in October. We can't wait!

On Saturday, DJ and Cody attended a friend's birthday party at a new indoor play area called Playtown ( They had a blast!!!! There aren't too many pictures of DJ because he wouldn't stand still long enough for me to take his picture!

"Get outta the way lady or you and that camera will get run over!"

The prince in his castle.

A sweaty prince taking a break. The crown actually broke shortly after this picture was taken because it was drenched in his sweat!!!

Having fun in the infant play area. We need one of these at home!!!

Cody smiling at the cute kid in the mirror.

1 comment:

Freefall Jones said...

Cody's cuteness isn't fooling me -- I know he's going to be trouble... =)