Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cody's New Cracker Bowl

Cody received a package in the mail today. He was very excited about it! The first thing he did was take his bowl of crackers and put it inside his new gift - his new huge cracker bowl!

His cracker bowl fit perfectly and he loved eating out of the huge cracker bowl! Man, I love those sausage fingers! :)

Check out the cool ergonomic style of his new....


I LOVE this potty! We had this exact one for DJ and I like it so much better than a regular potty. Because it is like a saddle, it is easier for kids to get on and off it instead of trying to back into it.

I just wish I would have realized that this one didn't come with the DVD or CD. DJ used to love to watch the DVD daily because he enjoyed watching Joshua have accidents! :) And nothing beats listening to a CD loudly in the car as it sings "I love to go to the potty potty! Yes, I love my potty potty!" Yes, I made sure my windows were ALWAYS closed while the CD was playing! :)

1 comment:

zanoh and co. said...

that's so funny! i love how he put his crackers in it :) too stinkin' cute.