Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

This weekend, I attempted to take pictures of the boys in their Halloween Costumes. I swear, with all the kids I have taken pictures of so far, mine are definitely my hardest subjects!

This year, DJ decided that he wanted to be something "scary" and not "cute" for Halloween. He decided on a vampire.

(WARNING: LOTS of pictures)

DJ did NOT want his picture taken at all.

Isn't he a cute, oops, I mean SCARY vampire? He didn't want to smile for me, but I think it worked with the costume! :)

Here is the full view of my Vampire. He was trying to be mad at me, but he couldn't help but break into a smile.

Doesn't this face say it all????

What's a Vampire costume without a set of fangs?

Maybe the fangs are a little big.

His scariest Vampire impression!

Cody noticed that DJ was getting his pictures taken so he decided to strike a pose.

As mentioned in a previous post, Cody is a HUGE Yo Gabba Gabba fan! So this year, we decided that he would be cute as one of the YGG monsters.

Unfortunately, they don't sell costumes. SO...mommy got to work and sewed one for him.

Here is a picture of the Muno head with 2 of the kids' Muno toys.

And here is our very own Muno Cody! Isn't he a cutie? He hated the head so he's NOT happy!

It didn't take very long before he started ripping the head off. Poor Muno!


Just like DJ's picture...his face says everything!

Since Cody wouldn't wear the head, I decided that SOMEONE had to!


Laurie said...

Oh my gosh, Michelle! These pictures are just too cute! The dog at the end made me laugh out loud.

I'd really love to feature your photos on our Yo Gabba Gabba fansite,, if you don't mind!

zanoh and co. said...

wow! how crafty of you to make his yo gabba gabba costume! and, i like how you fixed it for him since he didn't like the hat-- which by the way, rocked! you get the mommy of the year award for that :)