Friday, February 20, 2009

Monterey – Day Three – More Pictures and More Aquarium

After dropping Doyle off at work (sorry again, Doyle), we drove down to a beautiful strip along the beach. There were beautiful, large homes and right across the street from them was the ocean.

The boys were pretty excited to be outside (even though it was colder this morning) and Cody took off running as soon as he stepped foot on grass. The poor guy dove face first into the wet grass. That is why he is in a jacket for the pictures. His whole right side was wet. In this picture you can kind of see that his hair is still wet. He didn’t mind, though. He still kept running!

I like how they are both looking in completely opposite directions – at dirt.


Again, the bribe…I mean deal, was to let mommy take pictures of them before walking around and then going to the aquarium. They were so cooperative. They really wanted to go back to the aquarium.


I told the boys to do a fake laugh and I think Cody got carried away. 


Aren’t they cute sitting together enjoying the waves? In reality, Cody is kind of yelling because DJ has one arm behind him and the other in front of him. Cody didn’t appreciate being held in lockdown position. =)


This one I love. They look so endearing and like they get along ALL the time. I think this one needs to be enlarged and framed. That way when they are fighting, I can point to the picture and say “Stop fighting! SEE you guys LOVE each other!”


I couldn’t figure out why Cody kept pointing while I was taking their picture. Then I turned around and figured out why. He was saying…


“Look at that HUGE wave!”



One of my challenges lately has been to get DJ to be more natural in front of the camera. He loves to make faces and make “fake smiles” even though I tell him not to smile. This picture was taking while I used one of his own favorite knock-knock jokes.


This one asked for his picture to be taken. Oh and his hair isn’t sticking up…it was windy. Um, ya, it was windy – I’m sticking with that story!


Of course, a trip to the beach has to include rock climbing.


Even Cody got involved.


After walking around town to window shop, we finally headed to the aquarium. DJ had 2 priorities:



and the octopus…he was in that same position when we were there yesterday.


Our little pearls!


DJ and his otter buddies.


We have to go home tomorrow. =( We aren’t ready to leave.

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