Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Boys

I have mentioned before just how hard it is for me to get DJ in front of the camera and willing to take pictures.

Today, I set up the indoor studio because I needed to practice taking headshots for a session this weekend.

DJ was MORE than willing to take pictures! Mostly because Cody was trying to get his picture taken first.

Here are the many faces of DJ.

He looked so handsome just posing for me!


Then he got silly…


Then he was flirty…


Then he got serious…as in “seriously mom, are you not done yet?”


Then he was modelesque..


And my favorite picture from today…I am just melting into his eyes!  


After DJ got off the studio, my other son jumped in…. 


Scooter patiently waited for his turn then as soon as DJ was done, he walked onto the backdrop and sat down waiting for his picture to be taken.

Cody wasn’t as cooperative today. He had his favorite stuffed animal, Brobie, in his hands and couldn’t wait to for me to be done. He’s still cute, though! =)


1 comment:

chris said...

HANDSOME BOYS!!! I love them all! Even though Scooter scares me.

Great pics!