Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Grade

It is hard to believe that DJ is already a 1st grader. The Kindergarten year flew by and as of August 3rd, DJ is officially a 1st grade and going to school all day!

We worried about how he would do going to school all day since Kinder was only 3 hours, but he seemed to adjust fine.

He was VERY excited about going to school and even woke up extra early that day.

Here is our big 1st grader making silly faces for the camera.


_MG_5403 _MG_5402

DJ is not big on eating breakfast so I was surprised when he asked for some to start his day. His breakfast of choice? Bagel Bites!!


Last year for his 1st day of school, I baked him a cake. This year, I didn’t have as much time so instead he got a Spongebob surprise….


1 comment:

The Hapa Girl said...

Hi! I'm so happy you saw my message on Matrix! I don't use it very often because it seemed to be a place for parents with Autism. However, did find a good group when I first moved here through Matrix!

Your boys are absolutely beautiful and your photography is fantastic! Are you part of the Solano Down syndrome group?

Well, I live at Travis so if you ever want to get together let me know!