Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Hike with DJ

For DJ’s class field trip, we went to Mission Trails Regional Park for a hike and to learn about the Kumeyaay.

They started by listening to a Kumeyaay folk tale.


It was so pretty and peaceful up in the hills. (Well, as peaceful as it can be with 50 3rd graders.) It rained during the first half of the hike, but it was still a nice hike.


We hiked down to the river where the kids looked for “grinding stones”. There were quite a number of them still there.


DJ usually doesn’t like me taking pictures of him, but this trip he didn’t seem to mind. :)


The view overhead from the river.


I liked the look of these trees. :)


Isn’t it weird how the tree trunk is hugging this rock? It kind of looks like an octopus, doesn’t it?


There was a rock formation that looked like a chair and the kids kept calling it “nature’s chair". DJ preferred to sit on top of it instead of in it.


A cool path of rocks near the river.


DJ wants us to take his brother and dad back for a hike there. He wants to show them all the cool thing he learned about.

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