Here the kids are "swimming" across the pool. They were walking across the pool while moving their arms in a swimming motion.
DJ's first try at the kick board. Love his expression.
Practicing hand position -
Smoothly moving across the water on the kick board.
At the end, the kids get together in a circle and sing a song. DJ said it is a song about a motor boat and at the end the step on the gas and that means to duck their head in the water. ok. :)
That night, it was Cody's turn for swim classes. Cody LOVES to take baths and loves the water so we figured it was time for him to get started in swimming classes.
He wasn't sure what to think at first.
They picked out balls to throw then try to swim to.
Look at that smile on his face! He even figured out how to kick both legs.
This is his "Mommy, look at me" face!
When Doyle tried to take Cody out of the water, he protested.
Towards the end of the class, Cody started shivering from coldness so we took him out of the pool. I wish I still had my camera out at that point because he gave his daddy the meanest stink-eye I ever saw! He wanted back IN the pool even though his lips were quivering and he was shaking!
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