I am just a little behind on blogging so I am trying to catch up.
Right before Christmas, we took the boys to see Santa at the Jelly Belly Factory. They had not visited Santa yet so this was their one shot to give Santa their last minute Christmas list. (DJ did email him his list at school, but we wanted to make sure the big man heard it from him in person).
This beautiful archway greeted us into Santa's workshop.
Cody had no idea what was going on since he hadn't really been up close and personal with Santa yet, but DJ was VERY excited.
When we got to the front of the line, Cody ran up to the chair. I don't think he really realized anyone was sitting there. When he got on Santa's lap, though, he got a little nervous.
Okay, a LOT nervous. I love this picture!!! We never had the "get me away from this creepy, hairy guy in red" pictures with DJ so I'm glad we got it with Cody. =)
Santa is probably used to rejection, though, considering he continues to smile through the arms flailing, shin kicking and shrieks.
DJ got shy while sitting on Santa's lap so he never voiced his wish list. I guess he was happy with Santa learning about it through email.
I think I should be working at the mall taking Santa's pictures this year. Isn't this a good one? LOL

Jelly Belly was decorated inside and out with Christmas decorations. DJ loved looking at (and touching) everything.
These were some of the decorations outside.
Even the inflatable Santa was too much for Cody!
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