Monday, January 5, 2009

Kindergarten Holiday Christmas Program

It was the show of the season and one we had been looking forward to!
We always enjoyed going to DJ's preschool seasonal programs and watching the kids sing their little hearts out. We kept hoping that he would have on this year as well and we weren't disappointed!
Right before their Holiday break, the kindergartner's had their Holiday Program. DJ practiced daily in preparation for the show. :)
Here is our little singer posing in front of the Christmas tree.

I'm not sure what he was doing, but it apparently was a pose (so he informed me).

This is my current favorite picture of him. That is probably why it is the one used for the header of their blog. :)

We had to get to school before the program so the kids could get their "costumes" for the show. Since they were going to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, they were all adorably dressed as female and male reindeers (I know there are proper terms for them, but they seem to escape me at the moment).

I thought DJ would get shy during the show and not sing, but here is proof that he did. He sang his little patooty off! Watch out American Idol!!!!

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