Thursday, July 9, 2009

Congratulations, DJ!

He’s growing up.

Last month, DJ graduated from Kindergarten. His days of half-day school, having a playground just for their grade, and “easy” homework are over. 

His class had a ceremony for the graduates and family and friends were invited.

The graduates were even honored with a “diploma” and graduation picture.


Next month, he will be a 1st grader. We know he is ready for it and we are SO proud of him.

Kindergarten was a lot of fun for him and he did so well in school. He boasts about his reading level (28) and that he can read at a 2nd grade level. YEAH DJ!

At the end of the program, the class sang the “I Like Myself” song. Can you tell which kid was too cool to sing? =)


Our proud graduate…


DJ with his BFF, Marella.


I am really going to miss his teacher. She is so patient with the kids and really motivated DJ. We will miss you Mrs. F!!!!! See you around the big playground next year!


Class of 2009….


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