Sunday, July 26, 2009

Marine World

Last week, the boys, Teri and I went on a field trip to Marine World! The boys were so excited since they hadn’t been there since last year.  We were worried the lines would be long on all the rides and shows, but it was oddly slow for a summer day. We didn’t mind, though!

The boys waiting to get in. It’s not a great picture, but I just like that DJ is wearing his sunglasses and hat!


DJ enjoyed petting a snake…


and pygmy goat…


Then he met up with some old friends.


DJ and Teri riding Orca.


I’m not sure why, but Cody LOVES spinning rides. As soon as we got on this one, he was all smiles!!! I even tried to stop the thing from spinning by holding on to the middle pole, but Cody pushed my hands off of it so that it would spin more! Silly boy!


DJ loved being in the cartoon area. They had Bugs’ house and he was on top of it dancing to the park’s music. He did stop dancing long enough to take a picture with Bugs’ mailbox on top of his house, though.


Cody’s favorite was Bugs’ bed…




and TV….


He kept asking me to turn the TV on! haha

The boys did what they do best and climbed on everything.

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They even tried to pick the “carrots” out of the ground! =)

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Cody is finally getting old enough to enjoy the animals and not be afraid of them. He LOVED the sharks!!! He even tried to pet them through the glass.

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These sharks were all piled up on top of each other and Cody kept yelling “go” to them. I guess he didn’t want them sleeping. DSCN0206DSCN0204

We had a chance to check out the new Odin’s Temple tiger show. The boys really enjoyed this show.

Did you know that tigers swim??? We didn’t!


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