I just wanted to share with my old neighbors and SD friends what is like outside of the "city". This is a picture of our neighbors about 1/4 mile from the house:
This picture is about 10 miles away. Remember in Mission Impossible 3 how they had those wind mill farms (or whatever they are called)? There is a whole patch in Rio Vista that has a lot of them. It is pretty cool looking. Not sure if it is the same one in the movie, but it looks neat. And yes...that's more cows!
We are getting used to life in Northern California, though. The boys are really enjoying themselves and DJ reminds me constantly that he is happy we moved here and asks why we didn't move sooner.
He is now taking a Kajukembo class. It is quite a change from Tang Soo Do, but he is getting the hang of it.
Ever since moving here, Cody is just blossoming developmentally and physically. I swear the boy has gotten taller and I KNOW he has gained at least 5 pounds since moving here. It's getting harder to carry him. He talks A LOT more now, too. Mostly still gibberish, but he is finally saying MOM more frequently. I still don't know why he can't say it normally, though. He has to say it in a deep, Yoda/monster voice. He can tell you a full story (for at least 5 minutes) in his baby language and even uses hand and head motion to animate his story. My favorite is that he throws a laugh in after every few sentences. The boy cracks himself up!
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