We didn’t get to go to the Pumpkin Patch last year since Cody spent much of last fall and winter sick with an ear infection.
This year, however, we made sure to visit the Cool Patch Pumpkins Pumpkin Patch.
The first thing we thought when we got there was “this isn’t a pumpkin patch. Where are the rides? The petting zoo? The CEMENT?”
Can you tell we are a bit citified and not used to a “real”, cut-you-own-pumpkin-of-the-vine pumpkin patch? We are used to the kind in San Diego. You know, the one at the mall! =)
We saw small pumpkins…
and HUGE pumpkins.
Cody even tried to pick his own pumpkin.
The boys had a fun time checking out all the cool things this pumpkin patch had. From the teepees to the mini houses, the boys had a blast!
DJ really wanted to check out their corn maze, but the giant one had been torn apart by the previous week’s storm. Parts of the mini corn maze were still standing so the boys went through it. DJ loved it…

….Cody – not so much.
Can you see just how “thrilled” he was about the corn maze?????? =)
I probably should have taken these next pictures at the beginning of the visit. They may have been more cooperative.
By this point they were both wired and didn’t want to sit still. These are the best of the bunch. =)

Lately, Cody has been such a love bug and has been giving his brother LOTS of unexpected kisses. He is SO sweet. =)